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This is just a small sampling from our extensive client portfolio. Contact us today to discuss our work experience in your industry.

Article Sample 1

3 Steps To A Killer Resume That Commands Attention


Staffing solution firms deliver a comprehensive range of search benefits. Unfortunately, interested candidates often attempt to navigate through the application process on their own. The result? These applicants quickly get lost in a virtual candidate black hole, completely overlooked by hiring managers.


Fortunately, a recruiting team can make a major difference in your job search. Qualified recruiters can quickly turn the hiring tides in your favor. Teaming with a reputable firm grants you instant access to their collective experience and connections; exactly what you need to get the right hiring managers interested in everything you have to offer.


Building Your Resume: The First Step In Successfully Partnering With Recruiters In Your Industry


When you’re ready to tap into the many benefits delivered by a recruiting partnership, you need to take the first critical step in ultimate success: building your updated resume. While many candidates struggle with putting together their CV, it’s important to note that creating a killer resume is not only possible, it can actually be simple and straightforward. You just need an understanding of the process, as well as what to include (and what to keep out).


Step-By-Step Tips For Getting Your Resume Together Stat
When starting your resume, follow these tips to create a thorough representation of your current work experience:


Step 1 – Know the type of position you want: Use the opportunity you’re seeking as your resume starting point. Once you have a firm grasp on where you’d like to be hired, use this as a focal point for the information you want to highlight.


Step 2 – Get specific with your experience: Now’s the time to fill in the blanks and create bullet points. Outline all the relevant skills and experience you have that make you an ideal candidate for a specific industry/position. Some helpful hints on creating effective bullets (using a bulleted format):

  • Create roughly 2-3 bullets for each job listed
  • Don’t use first person perspective
  • Use past tense to describe old job functions, present tense to describe current job functions
  • Avoid complete, full sentences
  • Whenever possible, begin each bullet with a verb/action phrase
  • Eliminate generic language and be as specific as possible – it’s the best way to help staffing experts identify the right opportunity for you.


Step 3 – Take a final sweep for the irrelevant: Think you only have your most relevant work experience listed? You may be surprised once you take a final look at your finished draft. Go through one last time and remove any unnecessary job experience to ensure that you present a solid, cohesive front to your recruiting team.

Article Sample 2

Ready To Optimize Your Social Media Brand? Do These Five Things


Sure, you’ve setup all your business’ social media accounts…but have you optimized your pages to guarantee the biggest bang for your brand? Signing your business up on various social media forums is a great first step; however, it’s not nearly enough to ensure that you have tapped into everything that these pages can offer your organization. Many online consumers may only find your business through your social media setup; optimizing potential online marketing leverage and impact on each page will further the strength of your brand identity as well as grow your online network.


Ready to get started? Consider these five tips to optimize your social media brand:


Tip #1: Make Your Brand The First Thing Followers See

In other words, always use branded pictures as your cover photos and background graphics. Every social media forum has its own dimension/display rules, so use images that will work across various forums. Consistency is key. Use branded images that you’ve incorporated throughout other marketing initiatives so followers will recognize your business instantly, no matter where they find you next.


Tip #2: Don’t Forget The Profile Details

No, really. Many business owners spend a lot of their online marketing time uploading images and posting without paying any attention to their business profiles. Don’t be one of them; use the available fields as an opportunity to let your follows dig a little deeper on what you have to offer. Once you fill everything out you’re not quite done yet; periodically check your corporate profiles on your social media pages to ensure that there haven’t been any added fields so you always look game day ready to your followers.


Tip #3: Be Consistent With Your Profile Details

It’s not enough to include profile details in all of your social media pages; you will want to also stay as consistent as possible on every page your company uses. The forums vary in length; however, you should keep consistent messaging and keywords to reinforce your brand identity throughout every page.


Tip #4: Cross-Market To Your Existing Followers

The landscape of social media pages is constantly evolving. As a business owner, you will often find yourself contemplating delving into a new (or, simply new to you) online platform as a useful resource for your organization. Once you dive in, always cross-market your new page to your existing followers on other sites; it’s a great way to exponentially increase the followers within your new network.


Tip #5: Link Back To Your Website

Finally, make sure your corporate website is prominently listed on all of your social media pages. Keeping your website link listed serves a multitude of purposes. Encouraging followers to check out your website will further emphasize brand identity and strengthen overall brand recognition. Most importantly, enticing your social media network to visit your site increases the odds that they will click and ultimate convert to a sale.


How do you make sure your brand remains a focal point on all of your social media pages? Tell us your tips in the comments section below!

Article Sample 3

Is Anyone Out There? Key Ways To Improve Engagement With Your Social Media Content


Ever feel like your business’ social media content is simply talking at your followers and not with them? Many business owners struggle with the engagement level of their targeted audience. However, gaining interactive traction with the content you post can yield a host of important advantages. Creating an online dialogue throughout your social media pages can strengthen the reach and impact of your brand, instantly generating enhanced consumer recognition and loyalty. Most importantly, soliciting feedback and responses from your buying niche can yield invaluable insight into what motivates them as well as what they like and don’t like about your specific products and merchandise, helping you change strategies and tactics as needed for optimal ROI.


Create Content That Encourages Reader Feedback


Fortunately, it is possible to increase the overall responses you receive from your business’ online social media network. Knowing a few tips on how to create content and posts that encourage engagement can help propel your online brand ahead of the masses. One effective way to solicit input from your online audience? Ask a question. If you have a question relevant to your industry that’s great; however, you can post about anything just to command a little social media attention.


Want to go one step further than simply posting a single question? Host a Q&A session online. You will have ample time to get the word to your audience and generate a little buzz so your networks know when/how to tune in. You can also use this time to really listen to what your consumers have on their minds.


Humor can also offer a great way to lighten the mood on your business pages as well as generate responses from your network. Have a funny story to share? Perhaps a humorous meme that will resonate with your followers? Providing a little levity and putting a smile on the faces of your followers will promote additional shares and also make your brand seem more personable and relatable.


Other Ways To Generate Engagement From Your Audience


Admit it; you’ve totally done one of the many Facebook quizzes (you know, the ones that offers insight on which 80’s theme song you’d be…if you could, in fact, be an 80’s theme song). Why? Simply because they are fun and amusing. Work with a social media specialist to create your own online quiz. You can make it relevant to your business, or make it as silly as you want to give you guests a ready to click and share.


Finally, a customized social media contest can instantly boost your online buzz and engagement. Best of all, these contests don’t have to break your budget. Offering a simple (yet fun/relevant) prize to your targeted demographic can be all it takes to get everyone on your pages talking to (and about) your business for sustainable marketing momentum.


What are some tips you use when trying to boost online engagement with your followers? Tell us how you generate your own brand of buzz in the comments section below!

Article Sample 4

Three Tips For Gauging Vehicle History (No Matter What The Salesperson Tells You)


Searching for a used car or truck is an exciting endeavor; however, it can also prove challenging for even the most motivated buyer. Even if you know the exact make and model you’re interested in, you’ll quickly find yourself inundated with options. As you sift through the available inventory, you may find yourself struggling to determine future performance and reliability of each potential vehicle.


It Can Be Difficult To Discern The Condition Of A Used Vehicle


The toughest question to answer as you move through used vehicles for sale? “How did the previous owner take care of this car or truck?” You may never get an accurate answer. Most new vehicles are leased; chances are, your used vehicle purchase will likely be a lease return, making it difficult to find proof of maintenance, or the specific conditions (driver, terrain, etc.) the vehicle was subjected to throughout the lease.


Checking out the esthetics of the car, or even working with a trusted sales dealership may not make the decision process any easier. Cars and trucks can easily be reconditioned to look brand new, even to a discerning buyer. Additionally, the ultimate goal of even the most reputable dealership is to sell you an automobile. When navigating through the purchasing process, it’s important to never believe what the salesperson tells you about the car’s past, unless they are able to produce paper proof about what they are sharing with you.


Three Telltale Signs That Can Help You Select The Best Used Vehicle For Your

While the entire process can start to feel daunting, it’s important not to give up; we recommend looking at three simple things to gain instant insight on a vehicle’s past, no matter what the dealership says.


Wipers: Wipers for any vehicle are inexpensive and easy to replace. Most importantly, they make a HUGE improvement in visibility, driving enjoyment and even driver/passenger safety. We recommend checking out the wipers on any prospective automobile for one simple reason: anyone who doesn’t put the effort in replacing old wipers most likely hasn’t spend the time and money needed keeping up with other vehicle maintenance and care. Most dealerships don’t replace wipers, so if they look worn out (or, worse yet, broken) you may want to move on to another purchasing option.


Headlamps: Unlike wipers, headlamps are actually very expensive to replace and virtually impossible to repair/re-condition. In short, most dealerships will not incur the expense of replacing headlamps, which is a lucky break for buyers; one look at this part can give you an accurate snapshot of vehicle history. Headlamps that are scratched, pitted, foggy, or even have moisture trapped inside may not be up to par with your expectations. Does it seem like one headlamp is in a completely different condition from the other one? Walk away.


Windshields: Damaged windshields are covered by insurance; if you find a used vehicle with a windshield that is worn, scratched, faded, chipped or cracked, it can prove a major red flag in prior care. If an owner couldn’t pay their deductible for maintenance, it’s fair to conclude that other costs and needed care were neglected as well.

Article Sample 5

5 Reasons Why Basement Finishing Makes An Ideal Home Improvement Project


Looking to increase your usable living space without undergoing a home addition or major renovation project? A basement finishing project may prove an ideal solution. No matter what the size and layout of your home, most residential basements offer at least a partial area that can be renovated and converted from rarely used spaces into rooms that your family will love spending time in.


Use Your Basement Finishing Project To Suit Your Family’s Specific Needs


Like any renovation or home enhancement, every basement remodeling project will be different based on a family’s individual needs and preferences. Gone are the days when a finished lower level just means a playroom for the kids. Some homeowners will finish the space to bring everyone in the home together…while others will embark on a basement finishing design to create an area suited for adults only. Knowing some of the many options you have when beginning a basement finishing project can help you create a final area that will enhance your own personal lifestyle.


A basement finishing renovation can be used as a:


Adults-only entertainment area: A modern basement remodel means that you’ll willingly give the kids the upstairs floors and want to claim the cellar as your own. Use a sophisticated color palette and include a bar, poker tables, countertops, cabinets, and a refrigerator. Setup surround sound systems for both movies and music, and you’ve got the perfect recipe for an adults-only evening.


Multimedia movie theater: Prefer to create a space that feels welcoming to all ages? Not a problem. Many parents love using their lower level design as a multimedia entertainments/movie room. Create a themed look by purchasing theater-styled chairs and a wide retractable movie screen installed on a back wall to give guests all the motivation they’ll need to enjoy a night in at the movies.


Family room: Looking for something a little more practical than a movie theater? Go with a family room style renovation. Cover hard and cold basement floors with tiles or even floating floor options to instantly warm up the space for family hang out time. Additionally, enclosing structural elements such as pillars in drywall boxes can quickly change the entire feel of the room and make it inviting for everyone in your family.


Home office: Need a space that’s suited for getting work done and checking items off your business checklist? Use a lower level remodel as an office area. Desks, computers, printers, and file cabinets can all be included throughout the area to give you an ideal way to successfully get away from the bustle of the main floor and give you a professionally accommodated reprieve.


Apartment/annex: Have adult children or even elderly parents that are looking for a semi-independent living space? Convert your lower floor into a furnished apartment or annex. Include cooking area, washroom, sleeping and living space to give your houseguest (or even paying tenant) everything that they’ll need for a comfortable, convenient stay.

Article Sample 6

8 Life Lessons Your Budding Entrepreneur Will Learn When Starting A Business


As parents, we often ask our children what they want to do when they grow up. However, sometimes, our children come to us with an idea about what they want to do now. These budding entrepreneurs have a talent, a skill, or even just a novel idea that they want to use to launch their own business.


As parents, we may instinctively want to encourage our kids to push the pause button on a business idea and simply embrace the joy of childhood for as long as they can. However, it’s important to remember that celebrating our youngsters’ entrepreneurial spirits can have deliver a host of invaluable, lifelong lessons.


Helping your young entrepreneur create a business can teach her to:


Build confidence: Believing in herself (and knowing that you believe in her too) as a competent and capable business owner is a great way to build courage and confidence. She’ll also gain a sense of independence that can help her hone future leadership skills.


Set (and accomplish) goals: Knowing how to set goals and effectively work towards accomplishing them isn’t just for entrepreneurs. While she may learn the skill when working on her own business plan, understanding the benefits of goal setting can be something she carries with her always.


Embrace failure: Sure, all entrepreneurs have their eyes firmly focused on achieving their goals; however, even the most successful entrepreneurs occasionally miss the mark. Business owners quickly realize that failures can produce amazing (and often, surprising) byproducts. Mastering how to accept, adapt, and, most importantly, learn from failure at a young age can help her conquer any obstacle she may encounter in the future.


Accept her unique gifts: Sometimes middle schoolers can have a tough time accepting the things that make them different from their peers. However, successfully running a business means learning how to embrace the unique talents and creativity that sets her apart from everyone else.


Recognize opportunity: Savvy entrepreneurs not only recognize an opportunity, they also know how act on it. Knowing what to do when an opportunity presents itself can help her live up to her full potential as well as achieve future success in any other endeavors.


Manage finances: Teaching children to understand fiscal responsibility can prove a struggle for any parent. Rather than lecturing on how to balance a budget, running a business means that she’ll get hands on experience on how to manage her own financial plan.


Communicate…to actual people: Today’s parents often find themselves tasked with teaching their children the difference between texting (and posting, and tweeting) and communicating. Manning the helm of a business means having to communicate with various people in different capacities. Learning how to communicate with both peers and adults now can have a lasting impact on her ability to effectively engage with others in the future.


Have fun: The most important lesson starting a business can teach your daughter? How to simply enjoy the journey. Supporting your child’s entrepreneurial spirit is a great way to teach her that it is possible to love what you do and actually have fun doing it!

Article Sample 7

Everything You Didn’t Know About The Health Benefits Of Wine


Wine of every vintage and variety has long been a household staple for a myriad of reasons. From augmenting an everyday meal to commemorating a special event, and a diverse range of life moments in between, wine has earned a permanent place in our global culture (as well as on our tables).


While there’s no question that wine can complement virtually any type of celebration as well as a simple evening at home, recent studies have proven that this popular libation actually does more than enhance our lives…it can also enhance our overall health.


Red vs. White: Understanding Some Of The Health Benefits Each Wine Offers


Did you know that health studies have proven that red wine can offer a wide range of health benefits, including helping to improve overall heart conditions? It’s true. While moderate alcohol consumption has been thought to boost cardiovascular health, red wine has been targeted as potentially having the greatest influence on our hearts.


How is this possible? The antioxidants (called flavonoids) found in a delicious glass of red wine can offer three specific health perks that may minimize heart disease:


  • Reduce blood clotting
  • Increase production of “good cholesterol”
  • Decrease generation of “bad cholesterol”


The potential benefits of moderate red wine consumption don’t stop there. Other studies have shown that drinking this beverage in moderation can also help hinder the development of cancerous tumors. Additionally, other findings indicate that red wine can also help fight against neurological diseases and conditions.


Not to be outdone by its crimson counterpart, white wine has also established itself as an elixir with healthy side effects. Results studies on white wine have shown that the properties of this beverage can also help with cardiovascular conditioning. While perhaps not as potent as a red, white wines, touting an antioxidant structure not unlike olive oil, may still help prevent heart ailments and enhance overall cardiovascular fitness.


Additionally, beyond heart health, studies on white wine have also demonstrated other wellness perks. Current research has led scientists to believe that this cocktail may assist with diabetes control/prevention and may even lift the resilience of the immune system. Best of all (at least for some of us), white wine has even been associated with decelerating aging.


Who Says You Have To Choose A Favorite Bottle For Health Benefits


Of course, nothing says you have to choose sides in the red vs. white health-benefit bottle battle. Recent research suggests that moderately imbibing in either vintage can deliver a range of other health advantages as well. Both options have demonstrated the potential for enhancing cerebral function as we grow older and lowering ovarian cancer in women. These wines have even been associated with halting the growth of a bacteria in our mouths that, when left unattended, can cause sore throats, tooth decay and other oral discomforts.


With so many health and lifestyle benefits, it’s easy to see why wine, in it’s many distinctive forms and flavors, has earned a prominent place in our day-to-day routines.

Article Sample 8

Waist Training After Baby: The Benefits Of Using Postpartum Binding Wrap


Love your precious newborn, but find yourself missing your pre-baby body? It’s a common occurrence with new moms; feeling sleep deprived and bone weary (and yes, realizing that we are incapable of tearing our attention away from our darling infants for too long), we often find that the journey back to our pre-pregnancy jeans takes longer than we initially expected.


That’s okay.


The good news is that while getting back to our prenatal form may not happen as quickly as we’d like, it can (and does) happen. Taking your time and allowing your body to naturally recover at its own pace from everything it endured throughout your pregnancy will help put you on a positive path for weight loss as well as regaining your previous activity levels. One popular option for new moms hoping to reshape their tummy area after they have sufficiently recovered: Waist training.


Use A Wrap Belt For Support During Postpartum Waist Training


Postpartum waist training is not just the latest celebrity trend designed specifically to make you feel bad about your slower stomach recovery. This activity, when done under the care and guidance of a physician, can help you see some impressive results as you work towards gaining strength and stomach muscle tone. A key ingredient to successful postpartum waist training? Using a wrap belt around your tummy during your workout.


Three things you should know about using a wrap garment for waist training, include:


  1. Before you can begin your regimen, you must fully recover from labor. A binding belt can help with your recovery process. Look for a premium quality, lighter form of compression (geared specifically for your delivery type) to begin the healing process and get your body prepped for contouring.


  1. Once you have recovered (typically 6-8 weeks after baby) and have lost a significant amount of baby weight, you can move up to a slightly heavier form of compression on your tummy wrap and begin your waist and core training. Remember, the garment should be supportive and tight, but not restrictive. Corset-like garments with no give may cutoff circulation and potentially cause discomfort and/or hinder your recovery. Look for a material that supports and gives, without restriction.


  1. Finally (and most importantly), manage your expectations appropriately to enjoy a positive overall experience. It’s not about whittling your waist down to waiflike proportions; it’s about using binding wraps to leverage momentum during training to get your body back. When combined with a healthful diet, you will find yourself making a significant improvement to your overall well being.


Remember it’s not a race; take your time and take care of yourself while caring for your little one.

PR Sample 1

Custom Printed Napkins Expert, Giftsin24.com, Unveils Plans For New Personalized Napkins Products


Giftsin24.com, a leading innovator of custom printed napkins and personalized guest towels, has recently announced their plans to create an exciting new assortment of products to support the growing trend and customer demand uptick they’ve notice on their personalized napkins.

AURORA, IL – Giftsin24.com, a leading provider of custom printed napkins, monogrammed notepads and a wide range of tailored stationary products, recently unveiled their plans to design and create a new product assortment of personalized napkins and guest towels. The personalized guest towels and napkins are in direct response to a recent growing trend and customer demand Giftsin24.com has noticed. Dustin Baker of Giftsin24.com had this to say about the company’s decision to expand their custom printed napkins options:

“Here at Giftsin24.com, we pride ourselves on keeping a steady focus on our customer’s preferences as well as the growing trends in our industry. With the current sales data pulled from Giftsin24.com, evidence clearly indicates that personalized guest towels and custom printed napkins are a steadily increasing trend amongst our consumers. When compared to last year’s figures, there has already been a 15% increase in sales for custom printed napkins alone. Based on those statistics, we knew that we had to respond and support our customers by adding even more exciting personalized napkins to our existing merchandise lines” Baker said.

As a leading provider of personalized paper products for over 30 years, Giftsin24.com has built its reputation by delivering a wide range of quality items to market that meet and exceed customer expectations. From corporate stationary items to birth announcements, Giftsin24.com provides distinctive stationary solutions that help their clients perfectly express their own personal style, taste, and sentiment. Baker noted that their new options for custom printed napkins fall in line with this practice:

“We pride ourselves on designing and distributing a comprehensive range of options on all of our product lines to ensure our customers find exactly what they’re looking for to express themselves in virtually any situation or during any event. Our personalized guest towels and napkins will continue with our tradition of customer service excellence. The Giftsin24.com design team is hard at work creating brand new products for Color Mist, Foils Stamp and Embossed napkins for our customers. No matter what your personal preference, we know you’ll find a perfect match with these new options!” Baker said.

About Giftsin24.com: Since 1978, Giftsin24.com has specialized in delivering personalized paper products to help their clients perfectly express themselves. With innovative product lines ranging from business cards to birth announcements, Giftsin24.com can help make any situation or life distinctive and memorable.


PR Sample 2

Copier Supplies Leader, Benchmark-office.com, Publishes List of Available Pre-Owned Xerox Equipment


Benchmark-office.com, an innovative provider of managed print services and printer repair in Salem, NH recently unveiled a published list of pre-owned Xerox equipment available for sale. 

Windham, NH – Benchmark-office.com, a leading distributer of copier supplies and specialists of printer repair in Salem, NH has recently announced their published list of pre-owned Xerox printing equipment and devices for sale in their New Hampshire showroom. According to Benchmark-office.com’s President, Michelle McManus, unveiling this list of high-quality, pre-owned inventory falls directly in line with the company’s dedication to customer service excellence. She noted:

“Here at Benchmark-office.com, commitment to customer service satisfaction is, and will always be, our top priority. We proudly strive to not only provide superior managed print services, but also deliver quality product at affordable price points. Compiling this published list of pre-owned Xerox machinery at significantly discounted rates was a great way to ensure that our customers can more easily access this innovative technology at the best pricing possible,” McManus said.

Benchmark-office.com has earned its reputation as a front running copier supplies distributor and managed print services specialist capable of supporting the printing needs of businesses of every size and in any industry. With a capabilities portfolio that includes cartridge and supply fulfillment all the way through to machine maintenance needs, Bechnmark-office.com is a full service office equipment expert.

The company prides itself on partnering with every client to pinpoint their distinctive needs and requirements to best offer customized printing strategies and solutions. Their pre-owned Xerox inventory list offers a comprehensive range of functions and operations to ensure that every customer finds a customized printer fit with their purchase. According to McManus:

“The team at Benchmark-office.com understands that we could never treat our customers with ‘one-size-fits-all’ mentality. Every business is its own unique entity with specific operational needs. As we were putting together this list, we were careful to include all the details and data needed to ensure our customers could make the most informed buying decision possible. Not only will you find significantly reduced pricing on our pre-owned equipment list, you’ll also find a wide range of information on page output, paper sources and feed capabilities so you can truly find the best device for your organization. It’s important to note, thought, that these deeply discounted products won’t last long on our floor – we highly recommend that interested parties contact us for a viewing appointment as soon as possible!” McManus said.

About Benchmark-office.com: Benchmark-office.com is a small, woman-owned business that specializes in copier supplies distribution and managed print services support. If your organization is looking for customized printing services and solutions that minimize expenditures while maximizing client impact, Benchmark-office.com can help. Visit the company website today to find out more about how Benchmark-office.com can help you optimizing your printing productivity requirements (http://www.benchmark-office.com).


PR Sample 3

Rich Life Advisors Announce Its Debt Free Challenge Is Now Open For Enrollment


Rich Life Advisors, a leading resource for individuals looking to achieve financial debt freedom, recently announced their latest, personalized get out of debt plan.

Gainesville, GA – Beau Henderson, CEO and founder of Rich Life Advisors, started his organization with one distinctive primary focus; to help his clients systematically create a get out of debt plan tailor made for their current  financial situation. According to Rich Life Advisors’ corporate philosophy, debt freedom not only delivers financial empowerment, but also allows its clients the opportunity to live their personal definition of what the “rich life” means to them. Henderson and his organization recently announced their 100 Day Debt Free Challenge as their latest innovation to assist individuals in their quest for debt freedom.

Henderson recently discussed what makes this challenge so unique:

“Rich Life Advisors is so excited about our 100 Day Debt Free Challenge. Not only do participants learn important tips and receive all the tools they’ll need to get debt free but they’ll also have the opportunity to earn cash and other prizes in the process. It’s unlike any other get out of debt plan out there! And we’re not the only ones excited about it; with over 50% enrollment filled, it’s already creating an online stir,” said Henderson.

Henderson’s Debt Free Challenge offers 100 registrants 100 days to effectively eliminate hundreds of thousands of dollars of accrued debt. During their “debt destruction,” participants receive access to resources needed to begin the process, assigned tasks for focus and motivation, as well as exclusive access to online boards and even Henderson himself throughout the process. As extra incentive to their “debt destroyers,” Rich Life Advisors are offering eligible participants the potential to win the following prizes:

  • $1000 Cash and Creating Your RichLife VIP Day with Beau Henderson ($2,500 – Grand Prize)
  • $500 Cash Prize (1 winner)
  • $250 Cash Prize (1 winner)
  • RichLife Foundations Online Master Class ($599 – 10 Winners)
  • RichLife QuickStart Bonus Pack ($79 – 20 Winners)
  • The RichLife – Ten Investments For True Wealth and 30 days in RichLife Foundations Online Master Class ($67.95 – 50 winners)
  • Moving From a Life of Debt To Financial Freedom

Beyond the prize potential, Henderson also discussed another factor that should motivate individuals seeking to life a debt free, rich life; “In order to make our Debt Free Challenge easily accessible to everyone, there are no fees or payments necessary to register. That’s right, participation is 100% free for our 100 guests! There’s literally no excuse to not get started. But again, it’s important to remember that we are already at 50% maximum capacity so interested parties should sign up as soon as possible!” Henderson said.

About Rich Life Advisors: Financial advisor, debt expert and author, Beau Henderson started Rich Life Advisors as a way to effectively help his clients achieve a debt free existence and live their unique version of the “rich life.” From leading entrepreneurs to stay at home parents and everyone in between, Rich Life Advisors can help you create the get out of debt plan perfectly suited for your current financial situation. For more information on their “Debt Free Challenge” contact the team today!


PR Sample 4

Austin Trade Show Display Experts, Xtreme Xhibits Helps Client Reap Success At Int’l Event


Xtreme Xhibits, a name synonymous with innovative trade show exhibits in San Antonio, has firmly established its overseas impact. Recently the Austin trade show installation specialists went the extra mile to ensure their client’s optimal success at the Ebace Show held at the Pal Expo in Geneva, Switzerland.

AUSTIN, TX — Xtreme Xhibits, a long-established, front-running designer and distributor of customized trade show exhibits in San Antonio and Austin has proven that they are so much more than a stateside promotional force to reckon with. Recently, the Austin trade show installation and design authority partnered with AERIA, Luxury Interiors for a customized exhibition at Ebace Show in Geneva, Switzerland held in May. The result? AERIA’S 20×30 trade show booth made a major overseas promotional impact and helped the firm achieve pinnacle convention success.

When asked about the successful partnership, Scott Amerie, owner of Xtreme Xhibits had this to say:

“We are beyond thrilled to have been able to assist AERIA with their recent Ebace exposition. At Xtreme Xhibits we recognize that exhibiting to an international market brings with it some major differences to consider. We worked closely with the AERIA team throughout the design process to not only meet the 4P’s (planning, promotion, people and productivity), but we also carefully focused on any cultural differences as well. The result was a final booth design that translated well and resonated with the convention crowd,” Amerie said.

The Austin trade show display experts at Xtreme Xhibits also recognize that international exhibition brings with it a host of logistical considerations as well. Setting up the booth properly while abroad can often prove a major client concern. Fortunately, Xtreme Xhibits was able to utilize their Austin trade show installation expertise pre-event to ensure that AERIA was as well prepared as they needed to be. Noted Amerie:

“Here at Xtreme Xhibits, we pride ourselves on our trade show installation proficiency. We want all of our clients exhibiting abroad to feel confident about their booths and displays. When working with AERIA, we staged a pre-show ‘dress rehearsal’ here in the states so they could see their final design firsthand and their staff had the opportunity to become familiar with the layout. Once in Geneva, our Austin trade show installation crew managed the entire setup and break down of the display so our partners could simply walk on set and do what they do best – promote their product!” Amerie said.

About Xtreme Xhibits:

Xtreme Xhibits can create a customized Austin trade show display for businesses of every size and scope that optimizes promotional professionalism and marketing impact. Whether you’re looking for an innovative trade show exhibit in San Antonio that compels and informs your specific client niche or need a team of experts to assist with an Austin trade show installation, Xtreme Xhibits delivers.


PR Sample 5

Save Wood Cabinetry, Cabinet Refinishing Experts,  Announces Two New Branch Locations


Save Wood Kitchen Cabinet Refinishers, a business specializing in cabinet refinishing in Naperville, will open two new branch locations to even further enhance the cabinet resurfacing company’s commitment to customer service excellence. 

PLAINFIELD, IL — Save Wood Kitchen Cabinet Refinishers, innovative experts of cabinet refinishing and cabinet refinishing in Naperville as well as throughout the region, has recently announced their plans for opening two new locations

Save Wood’s two new cabinet refinishing and cabinet resurfacing shops will be located at Crest Hill in the Weber/Canton Farm district and Mount Prospect near Elmhurst and Rand Road. Jane Morrissey of Save Wood Cabinet Refinshers explains how expanding their territorial reach helps keep a steady focus on the cabinet resurfacing business’ longstanding tradition of customer excellence:

“As a regional industry leader in cabinet refinishing and cabinet resurfacing, Save Wood remains completely dedicated to delivering superior customer service at all times. Opening our Crest Hill and Mount Prospect locations will help our team of cabinet resurfacing specialists to better serve the Chicagoland area. Offering these two addtional locations means we are even closer to our customer base in this district for maximum client convenience and can also consistently deliver the lowest pricing possible on our comprehensive portfolio of cabinet resurfacing solutions,” Said Morrissey of Save Wood Kitchen Cabinet Refinishers.

For over 25 years, Save Wood Kitchen Cabinet Refinishers has worked tirelessly to earn its reputation as the go to provider of cabinet refinishing in Naperville, as well as throughout the region. Save Wood’s seasoned team of highly-trained specialists offer both cabinet resurfacing as well as cabinet refinishing to ensure that every client receives a final product specifically suited to individual tastes, preferences and styles. Best of all, just like their location for cabinet refinishing in Naperville, the skilled staff at these two new locations will also be able to manage most of their client projects in their own shops for the ultimate customer convenience experience. Morrissey believes that this is definitely cause for celebration:

“Our stores are set to open on April 1st. The team at Save Wood Kitchen Cabinet Refinishers is planning a special grand opening celebrating these two new shop sites on April 15th. To commemorate this exciting event, our cabinet resurfacing and refinishing experts are offering a free cabinet detail and color upgrade for island and bathroom with every kitchen cabinet refinish project. Come and pay us a visit in our new space during the grand opening festivities for a consultation with one of our specialists on how we can make your old cabinets look and feel like new!” Morrisey said.

About Save Wood Kitchen Cabinet Refinishers: Save Wood Kitchen Cabinet Refinishers offers superlative services for cabinet resurfacing and cabinet refinishing in Naperville and throughout the Chicagoland district. For more than 25 years, clients of Save Wood Kitchen Cabinet Refinishers have not only receive incredible savings when compared to a total replacement project, they also have enjoyed the peace of mind that comes with doing their part for the environment. Working with the team at Save Wood Kitchen Cabinet Refinishers to redesign and repurpose your existing cabinets means they will never take up needless space in landfills, making for an excellent go-green home improvement project.


PR Sample 6

Braveheart Greetings Enters Walmart’s Get on the Shelf Contest-Voting Begins March 7-April 3, 2012


Braveheart Greetings, a company that offers a unique line of greeting cards perfectly suited for life’s challenges, has recently entered Walmart’s “Get on the Shelf Contest.”


Hammonton, NJ — Braveheart Greetings, known for their unique line of greeting cards that helps customers put heartfelt sentiment to many challenging life situations, has recently announced their participation in Walmart’s “Get on the Shelf Contest,” a competition that effectively showcases a diverse range of vendors and products and allows online viewers to vote for winners from March 7, 2012 through April 3, 2012.


Tammy Maxey, founder and president of Braveheart Greetings, recently discussed the opportunity that this particular contest brings to her team and their unique line of greeting cards; “At Braveheart Greetings, we proudly help our clients put their feelings and emotions into words, no matter what life brings. From divorce and cancer recovery to pregnancy and new babies, our unique line of greeting cards helps people address issues that no other card company focuses on. Participating in ‘Get on the Shelf’ brings an exciting opportunity for us to help as many people as possible find the appropriate words for even the most difficult situations,” Maxey said.


“Get on the Shelf” is the first of its kind from Walmart and delivers an unprecedented opportunity to winning merchants – the chance to win virtual shelf space in various capacities throughout Walmart’s online store. Maxey recognizes that her team’s fate is essentially in the hands of the online viewers; “What’s great about this contest is that it truly empowers the consuming public, which is exactly what we strive for everyday at Braveheart Greetings with our product. The ‘Get on the Shelf’ voting period has already begun, but will extend through April 3, 2012. Viewers can vote every single day until then. To cast your vote for Braveheart Greetings visit our link on the ‘Get on the Shelf’ webpage or text 3285 to 383838. We are so grateful for the outpouring of support we’ve already received!” Maxey said.


About Braveheart Greetings

Braveheart Greetings, a 100% woman-owned business, was founded in 2009 by Tammy Maxey. Frustrated with the lack of emotionally supportive sentiment available in the marketplace, Maxey decided to design her own line of distinctive greeting cards to help people find appropriate and comforting words specific to many of life’s challenging situations. Cancer recovery, empty nest, menopause, pregnancy and divorce are just some of the many card topics that sets Maxey’s product apart from other vendors. Braveheart Greetings unique line of greeting cards can be found in various shops and stores throughout United States and Canada.  


PR Sample 7

Arganic Oil Shop Announces Initiative To Help Customers Realize Benefits of Argan Oil


Arganic Oil Shop, an online business specializing in premium argan oil, offers consumers direct access to their all natural product so their clientbase can tap into the many benefits this luxurious moraccan oil delivers.

Hicksville, NY — Arganic Oil Shop, an online distributor of argan oil, has recently announced their internal initiatives to help bring the many benefits of this Moroccan oil to the forefront of the cosmetic industry’s consciousness.

The primary purpose of the organization’s efforts is twofold. First, the company is avidly working to best support argan oil as it transitions from alternative topical treatment to mainstream cosmetic staple.

“Recent years have seen a major increase in argan oil’s global popularity. Today’s consumer market is proving again and again that synthetic products are no longer first choice when there are all natural alternatives that offer superlative results for users. Argan oil is one such product. Arganic Oil Shop proudly offers this Moroccan oil to the public as an organic, viable option to manmade merchandise on the market,” said an Arganic Representative.

Additionally, Arganic Oil Shop also remains committed to continuously raising public awareness in the cosmetic marketplace on the many benefits argan oil offers users. The business touts this Morrocan oil as a forceful weapon that can be used in the fight to help reverse skin damage caused by sun and smoking as well as a host of other skin and hair afflictions. The Arganic Representative also revealed their product can be used to effectively help prevent and defend against unwanted physical conditions such as hair loss, dry skin, aging blemishes, eczema, psoriasis and more.

“The beneifts of argan oil are virtually endless. Offering a naturally occurring abundance of essential fatty acids, carotenes, squalenes and vitamin E, argan oil literally represents a perfect, organic blend that most synthetic products endeavor to reproduce, but fail to adequately replicate. Most importantly, unlike other companies that offer diluted product options to consumers, Arganic Oil Shop remains dedicated to delivering a finished product that remains as close to pure as possible. This helps us ensure that our clients receive optimal results after each and every use. We are proud, not only of our  product offering, but also to be a part of the movement that helps broaden awareness of the many results this all natural oil can provide.”

About Arganic Oil Shop: Arganic Oil Shop provides high-quality arganic oil that serves a multitude of topical purposes. Bottled in the most natural state possible for optimal results, Arganic Oil Shop’s Moroccan oil selection caters to consumers seeking a more effective, all-natural alternative to the slew of synthetic products flooding the marketplace. From strengthening hair follicles to nourishing skin, Arganic Oil Shop’s argan oil helps clients look and feel refreshed and reinvigorated.


PR Sample 8

Sustainable Food Systems Partners With Fairfield County For Enhanced School Lunch Program


Local food expert, John Turenne of Sustainable Food Systems, announces partnership with Fairfield County, CT to improve school lunch services.

Bedford Hills, NY – John Turenne, founder and President of Sustainable Food Systems, a nationally recognized leader and innovator in local food practices, has recently announced a coalition with the Fairfield County, CT school system to enhance the region’s school lunch program and deliver healthy, local, and more sustainable food options and kitchen practices to students, faculty, families and community. Based on Michelle Obama’s highly-acclaimed “Chefs Move to School” campaign, Sustainable Food Systems is working with the district to teach better food options.

When asked about their latest school food initiative, Sustainable Food Systems representative, Donna Cravotta had this to say;

“Sustainable Food systems not only worked with Michelle Obama on this program, but our founder, John Turenne, was also the behind the scenes chef consultant on Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution TV show in Huntington, WV as part of a team of school food innovators and experts. We believe in this program and are beyond excited to be able to bring our healthy school lunch program back to John Turenne’s home state of Connecticut.”

Sustainable Food Systems’ Fairfield County school lunch initiative consists of a total of 16 district schools; 2 High School, 3 Middle Schools and 11 Elementary Schools. Turenne and Sustainable Foods has currently been working at two pilot schools, Ludlowe Middle School and McKinley Elementary School and launched the school lunch program after holding several mini bootcamps held with 16 managers on December 5, 2012.

“Our mini bootcamps proved a huge success with the local staff. The feedback from the kids has already been overwhelmingly positive; getting comments like, ‘Chef John, you’re the best cooker. Thank you’ is exactly why we do what we do at Sustainable Food Systems,” Cravotta said

About Sustainable Food System:  John Turenne, founder and President of Sustainable Food Systems, is a leading innovator in sustainable food practices. John and his staff of local food experts have partnered with internationally renowned visionaries create customized, healthy food services plans that make an impact throughout the community.